Tuesday, September 2, 2008


This art is somewhat aesthetically pleasing to me. Graffiti is definitely art though. Art is not always pleasing to everyone. I think that Graffiti can look very cool, but can also make an area look bad. Graffiti is often associated with poverty and gangs, so this may make some people look down at it. I think graffiti is just someone expressing themselves. Art can be a great way to express yourself. I don't know if doing it on walls is always the best place though.


jagzluv709 said...

illegal art.....

I believe it is a form of art but i also believe they should have chosen a different place to display their ideas rather than a wall....I'm very against pollution, littering, and other harms to our earth. If i had the power i would make sure nothing else could negativly affect it. so when i see graffitti that kind of comes with it. so to complete my thought...yes it is is art and i give props to the people that do it because i sure as heck couldn't do it! and i also think graffitti is a interesting way to express yourself because its not like a portrait or picture of flowers or something it's just usually colorful writting. so it's art, but it's illegal. though most of us admire it, i tend to veer away from it because it irritates me they have to do it on a public wall! but i giess you have to take the good with the bad....

Dona said...

Why does the fact that the artist used a deserted building on which to paint bother you, jagzluv709? It doesn't appear that anyone else is legally using the building at all.

jagzluv709 said...

True. however I feel deserted or not it is not their building to draw on! which is what makes it illegal. however, let's say they owned the building, it was dull and they wanted to use graffitti to liven it up. that's ok and all but i guess what bugs me the most is I look at art as something a little more obviously pretty. I'm not trying to crush someones opinion, but I don't consider it exactly breath takingly beautiful. It's really cool but not so much elagant. when I see graffitti on a huge brick wall is usually where its drawn I automatically think the town is not quite safe. I hate saying that to stereotype but it's true like 98% of the time. That has a lot to do with it appearing in cities which tend to be the central area for crime. anything that has to do with crime can't lead to anything beautiful. thus graffitti is illegal no matter where you put it which is why it bugs me so much. I'm sorry for the poor punctuation....it is me with the i's. when I type with no extreme real purpose i get lazy from all of the texting and im'ing i do. I'll work on that! haha! but to sum up my point. graffitti is a form of art, nothing i'd consider awardwinning, a sight to see yes, but it bugs me so much to the fact of it being a sybolism of crime and act against the law it's beauty is blinded all because i look into it's meaning too much. I could go on and on but I don't have the time sorry! heheh.

Dona said...

jagzluv709, I am intriqued by your views. You know, some people have the viewpoint that knowledge is to be found at the edge of human existence. I think that can be true. When you see graffiti and think of it as a symbol of crime, do you ask yourself what are the causes of that crime? Some of the stereotypical (and often true) types of crime found in graffiti-riddled areas are related to drugs and gangs. And not coincidentally, people often turn to drugs and gangs when they are raised in poverty without a solid family structure. What causes the poverty? What can we do about it? And does hardship (being raised in poverty) sometimes contribute to the making of an artist and his/her message?

jagzluv709 said...

It's true I do look at graffitti and see crime but no I do not think far past that. This is why. The world today has evolved so much that the good needs bad in order for the their to be balance. I'm sad when I see crime but I think if it weren't for crime some of the more fortunate ones would never experience anything good. Yes sometimes I become curious behind criminal actions but more or less why not how can we stop it? I think what was this persons thought process...what was their motivation but that is the csi coming out of me. No one is perfect. Hence why people do ridiculous things such as kill. They feel better but for what? A simple rush or more of a personal aquaintance. I feel like I'm veering off subject hang on rewind...People control their own lives. If bad things happen to them then in my eyes don't leap to bad conclusions but make them better. Art is an expression of ones feelings so by drawing the graffitti the person may not only feel better but be able to express their hardship. It's good, but why there? why not tell it to the world a different way? My first thought would be ok I'm poor sad and miserable how can I fix this myself. Maybe I can write a book to make the money I need and express myself. Ya know? I guess that is just my philosophy though. I always think everything can be good even if it's not looking too great.