Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Is it Art?

I believe that grafiti has the ability to be considered art. This doesn't mean that all grafiti is art. The definition of art is subjective to whomever defines it. In my opinion, a piece is art if the person who created it put feeling and hard work into it. I also believe that the level of artistic value a piece holds depends on what the viewer brings to it (emotionally and experiences). For example, if someone who has never had any similar experiences as the artist sees the grafiti, they might not see past the illegality of the piece. However, if someone with similar experiences and emotions were to see the piece, they might see a deeper meaning in it and consider it to be artistic. I personally enjoy to see grafiti in certain areas, such as blank concrete walls along a highway, but I don't believe it belongs on historic buildings or similar areas. I don't like the fact that many gangs use grafiti as territory markings. I believe the artistic credibility of grafiti could be increased if it weren't used as gang markings.

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