Sunday, November 2, 2008

What work do you plant to analyze and why?


Dona said...

Sorry, that would be plan!

idkwhat2put said...

Well I would like to start by saying that I won't be planting anything. But I do "plan" on analyzing the development of Matthew Buckner in the movie Green Street Hooligans. I am doing this because it is one of my favorite movies, and Elijah Wood's character changes a great deal in the movie. I'm not sure how it will turn out, but I'm hoping that I will be able to find some good information to put into my paper.

Scott said...

I am planning on analyzing the Field of Dreams. I enjoy pretty much all baseball movies and it is one of my favorites. I have seen it more times than I can count and always enjoy it every time. I am thinking about analyzing the magical aspect of the Field of Dreams. I am not exactly sure where I am going to go with that, but I am sure it will work out.

Harpokrates said...

I will be analyzing a movie through a Marxist/Humanistic lens. I am not entirely sure which movie to settle on, I am, however, sure that it will be in a futuristic setting. Sci-fi type movies often provide a good look into what humans are and where that is leading us. As time progresses, mental characteristics as well as the obvious physical ones are exaggerated when unchecked. Every flaw in the way we think is brought to clear view through a look back at it from the future. “Hines' sight is 20/20,” remains a relevant saying. Many producers of sci-fi create a view of a world dehumanized and hyper materialistic, making these movies perfect for my lens.

Dona said...

Sounds like you guys have begun to think about your topics. Scott, try wikipeding Magical Realism. Harpokrates--I love your entry; very in depth to think about the genre of science fiction as a vehicle for where we're headed and where we've been. Just for future reference: that's hind's sight, as in behind sight--viewing something from its end--looking back to see the mistakes.

And idkwhat2put--you make me chuckle.

Dona said...

Actually, hindsight. What am I doing?

Tuityfrooty said...

This was a difficult subject for me to think about. I enjoy many movies of all kinds of genres. So I couldn't decide which one to pick. Finally I chose Fight Club. Then I had trouble deciding on what to write about. The whole fact that the main character is sick of the norm and wants to do something more with his life, and become more masculine by starting the fight club intrigued me. So my paper will go with that. The part of it being 5-7 pages is a different story.

I, Cassandra said...

I will be analyzing the film Pan's Labyrinth. It's one of my all time favorites~ My goal is to peak the reader's interest by discussing how the cinemotography and use of what I call "mirror characters" blur the lines of fantasy and reality.

Kelso said...

Might be a little late to be posting on this prompt, but since when do I care. I'm not planning on doing anything else. Only because I already did the analysis, but I did the femanist view on Sin City. Strange coming from me Huh lol. I decided on it when I really didn't feel like finding something to analyze myself so i just took Plato's idea