Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Loop

Frequently, many (not all!) people who live in St. Charles County express wonder and surprise upon their visits to the city. What were your thoughts/experiences surrounding our visit to Forest Park,the St. Louis Art Museum, and the Loop in University City. How was it the same/different than where you live in O'Fallon, MO?


volleyball16 said...

I really enjoyed going to the museum, and speding time at the loop. It was definately interesting! One thing that would probably shock alot of people when visiting the city for the first time would be the musical intrumentalist. I love hearing all the different types of music that they people play. For example, right in front of Fitz's there was an older man playing a mixture of jazz and swing. I thought it was awesome. I could see how a person who has never been introduced to the city might be a little frighten. They may not like it at first because the city is open to everything. Here in O'Fallon if we hear noise we think of it as a negative theing, a disturbance. I loved the expirience of going through the art museum by myself, that way I was able to "think", instead of an employee telling me why the artist did this and that. It allowed me to expand my thinking!

jagzluv709 said...

That is so true! here if we heard music we think oh no this person may be poor or something and its like the scray part of town. Then again I have been to loop so many times it was not a shock to me and I have been there in the middle of the night when poor people do roam the streets and ask for money. It is alot like downtown but for some odd reason I view the city and the loop as 2 different things. the city is more beat up and more scarry and the loop there is more there to look at and there are more people there to generally have a good time. O'Fallon is the opposite it is so secure safe and advanced there isn't one thing you can;t find on K besides a mall! the cities really any city is so limited and that to me makes it scarry with nothing to have as shelter. I really do love the loop though I always will especially with Fitz and the shops and the melting pot and everything plus it is right next to forest park so you can do the all day thing and have a blast with so much to choose from. My favorite part of the trip was definetly the loop which I really wish we had more time in but I understand. Sometimes I wonder if we couldnt have used the loop to find stuff to write on. cities have so much detail to go off of the music the graffitti the shops and the unique characteristics could have given us all ideas for an analysis paper. Still loved that day. thankyou!

I, Cassandra said...

I had an amazing time visting the Art Museum and the Loop! I'd been to the Art Museum before but I got to see things that I didn't see last time. And the Loop was a brand new experience for me, but a welcome one. It was such an interesting place with so many things to see and do! I wish O'Fallon could be as open and intersting as the Loop is.

Holly Golightly said...

I love going down to the city. You can always explore and find some hole in the wall shop that's awesome. You get to see all different types of people too. I think sometimes in a town like O'Fallon or where I used to live Waterloo, your expected to dress a certain way and not be to crazy in public, but in the loop you will always see at least one person that breaks those standards. I also love the houses. It is a little wierd because half of them are runned down and falling apart but at the same time you will find the most beautiful old houses ever. I had a lot of fun. I don't get to go there very often since my step-dad is a cop in U-City, but I had a lot of fun.

Dona said...

Yes, well, we like to take our students to the Loop to show them how life in other places not that far from O'Fallon is different.

Proverbs31Girl said...

I think that most, once again not all, people that live in areas such as O'Fallon and St. Charles County in general find a comfort zone here. We have everything imaginable, from multiple grocery stores to enough fast food to eat some place different each night for a month. Because we are so used to the quick drive from place to place, it is rare to branch out and experience places like the city.

readsalot44 said...

I love O'Fallon, but going downtown is one of my favorite things to do. There is this thrill that I find when I experience a city atmosphere. I can't explain it. O'Fallon is great, but I love seeing tall building and people hurrying to get to their destination. Hearing all the different kinds of sound down at the Loop is incredible. From a jazz performer's swinging tune to the clinking of plates from the restaurant next door. The city can offer new experiences like the sweet sounds to those of us who live in our own world in O'Fallon.

E. A. Weatherfield said...

Proverbs31girl seems to imply that O'Fallon is completely self-contained--which, in some respects, I'd have to agree with. Still, I think there's a certain atmosphere of diversity and of THOUGHT that the loop can offer us. I mean, I could walk to a fast food place, but I have to drive 20 minutes to the nearest book store! There's so much in Forest Park that is barely thought about here, from hippy stores to buildings open to the public. That's part of the reason I enjoyed it so much--it's just broader.

alb09 said...

Going to The Loop was a new experience for me. I have had friends, especially recently, talk about how much fun they have adventuring there, so I was excited to go for the first time. It's very different from O'Fallon and I agree with the comment about the musician many of us passed by. It's not something you would typically see on O'Fallon sidewalks, yet it's an everyday thing in the city. I can see where someone, who isn't very open to the city, would think of the man as being poor, or dirty, as you sometimes see in movies when there is a less fortunate man playing with his case open for spare change. It's not at all like that though; it's very traditional in the city and those who live there don't think twice about it. Overall, it was more than I expected, restaraunts and all, and I would definitely go back.

Kelso said...

I don't really have any thoughts on the Loop. I mean we spent 45 minutes there, the majority of it looking for a place to eat. Some friends and I went to Fitz's and that was 50 ft from the bus so I experienced virtually nothing besides that jazz player in front of the restuarant. The the food there was nothing special. I mean where else can you get a cheeseburger and fries around any area. As for the museum im not much for modern art so a part of it i didnt enjoy much except for the jokes coming from some of the "works or art". I did enjoy everything else though.

Dona said...

Kelso--did you hear me tell the people lined up at Fitz's not to eat at Fitz's because you wouldn't get served in time? That there were other restaurants--Al Tourbush's Deli, for one--with felafel and hummus and a real city experience?