Wednesday, November 12, 2008


What, in your opinion, would be interesting topics to examine as persuasive/argumentative paper topics? Why?


readsalot44 said...

I'm really into global warming and the environment, so to me that would make an excellent paper. You could narrow it down to so many different topics such as the electric car, the ozone layer, coral bleaching, etc. Of course, it seems that the number one topic every year is abortion. I don't think that anyone should choose this topic this year simply due to the fact that, face it, we all have our own opinions and this is suppose to be a research paper. When someone writes about abortion, they usually end up writing about their ideals and what not. Another great topic could be criminal minds. That could be really interesting. Basically anything would be great!

Holly Golightly said...

I personally do not believe in Global Warming. I believe the world is just changing and there is nothing we can do about it. Don't get me wrong I am all for going green and not being so harsh on our environment, but I don't think we are hurting the world enough that it would cause Global Warming. We didn't cause the ice age so why would we be causing this? The world is always changing and always will. Anyways to me our Health Care system is really important. I want to become a doctor one day so it will be a big part of my life one day.

iwantanA said...

all though there are many choices for a topic, i wish to present either the illegal immigration issue or the money devouring system we politely call social security. the reason borders were ever distinguished was to maintain order for living conditions, material supply, job availability, etc. Millions of illegal immigrates have come to our nation looking for opportunities, but y should they get them. They shouldnt be here in the first place. As for social security, its one of those "it seemed like a good idea at the time" systems. due to technological advances in medicine, people are living longer. therefore there are more people depleting the surplus of money. and the baby boomer generation is approaching retirement age solution: raise the retirement age. do u want to retire at the age of 85?

Kelso said...

I 100% agree with the no abortion thing this year. The topic of abortion is just like religion and politics. People take things too seriously on those subjects. Fights start up and before you know it abortion clinics get blown up. How about something we can civily talk about and consider everyone elses opinions if they are said aloud and they aren't snapped at for it. Pisses me off when people immediately ignores someones opinion because its different from theres.

jagzluv709 said...

Well interesting is the problem. Lately there have been so many problems nothing sticks out more than the other or it has been going on for so long that people have lost interest. Some things however I wish to see a change of, which we could work off of eachothers opinions, are things like the new president and him getting us out of the red. Making abortion illegal would be great but that would be a very touchy topic. Saving the Earth so we can last longer. oooooo or.... everyones belief behind the aztecs calender ending 2012 and wil the world end? That just popped in my head and we could have a lot to go off of with something like that. How so many movies have referred to it and that it affects us especially because lets just say it does happen, all of us seniors won't even get the chance to graduate college by then. I don't even think I will be 21 yet! That really sucks! So yeah I definetly think that would be a sweet topic to talk about.

Scott said...

The most important issue in the world today to me is global warming and the environment. I think people are using up Earth's resources and wasting them. The natural resources of the world will only last so long. I am not saying that we should stop using these natural resources, but we should try using them more sparingly. Also I don't think just the United States should do this. This is the whole worlds problem and no one counrty will be able to solve it. The solution to solving the problem is not easy. I don't know if there is one special answer that will solve all the problem, but something should be done before it is to late.

Jake said...

I feel that the biggest issue to me right now is the US government slowly putting the Constitution through a paper shredder. No matter what political party you support, they are want to remove a part of the Constitution. The only choice that you are making is which part of the Constitution you tolerate having removed first.

Unknown said...

I personally believe that the biggest issue in the world right now is still in fact the War on Terrorism because with a new president coming up, things are going to be changing. The War on Terrorism has been going on for some time now and unfortunately many people do not believe that fighting against terrorists is the right thing to do. People feel that their money is going to waste and that America needs to stay out of other countries business. Before I state to much of my own opinion, i'll just state that I think this topic could make a very interesting debate and could get many people talking.